Kobler: first gathering of municipal Council female members wonderful initiative.
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Tripoli, 06.12.2016(Lana) Head of UNSMIL, Martin Kobler
congratulated the GNA Local Government Ministry for organizing the
first gathering of municipal council ladies. Kobler considered the
gathering as shedding light on the leading role of Libyan women.
In a tweet in his personal twitter account, Sunday, Kobler said
it was a wonderful initiative to remind us all that women should have
equal rights in decision making and capable of realizing stability
and peace and security in Libya.
On his part, Vice- President of Presidency Council, Ahmed Maitiaq
said the convening of the gathering confirms the resolve of women to
contribute and participate effectively in the building of new Libya.
Addressing the gathering, Maitiaq expressed pride in Libyan women
who managed to prove success and excel.
Libyan women would be an example for coming generations, so they
shoulder the responsibility of projecting the ideal example of women
making the initiative and participation in society's affairs.