UN Voices Concern Over Humanitarian Situation in Ganfouda Tripoli, 23 November 2016(Lana) The United Nations has voiced concern over the deterioration of the situation in Benghazi neighborhood of Ganfouda, as fighting intensified in the area last
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The UN Human Affairs Coordinator in Libya Ghassan Khalil said in a
press statement ' I am deeply concerned over the effect of the
violent clashes on civilians in Ganfouda and the surrounding areas.'
He indicated that a number of civilians were caught up in the
fighting, and face shortages of food, water and medical supplies.
He called on all parties in Libya to take the necessary steps to
avoid endangering civilians and the infrastructure in line with
principles of the international law.
He also called for relief assistance to be offered to civilians
especially women and children, and to help those who wish to leave to
do so without delay.