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Sudan renews support to the national accord government.

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Addis Ababa, 10.11.2016 - Lana - The Sudanese president 'Omar Basher' , has renewed his country's support to the national accord government 'NAG' , and his rejection to "any foreign intervention in the internal affairs of Libya". In the closed session of the African summit and Libya neighboring countries held in Addis Ababa , president Basher asserted on the necessity ; "to preserve the unity of Libya" , because it's ; " an Arab , African and neighboring country , and what is going on in it , reflects on the neighboring countries". On the other hand , chairman of the African union commission , called on the international community to , solve the Libyan crisis , and to end the state of division in Libya. In the closed session , the conferees viewed reports from 'NAG' , UN envoy to Libya and the African union , over the situation in Libya. =Lana=