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Koni: Presidency Council continues its consecutive meetings with relevant authorities.

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Tripoli, 01.11.2016 (Lana) Vice-president, of the Presidency Council, Musa Koni underlined that the presidency Council continues its consecutive meetings with relevant bodies to find appropriate solutions to address cash shortages. Al Koni pointed out in a televised interview with Libya Panorama TV that the burden of getting out of this crisis should be shouldered by all. He said the task of offering proposals and sound solutions and proposing successful to address the cash crisis rests with the Central Bank of Libya. The responsibility of taking necessary resolutions to implement them, rests with the presidency council. He stressed that every party should shoulder its responsibility which should not be blamed on others. Koni explained that cash shortages is a security one in the first place, and due to non-confidence of the citizens in depositing their money at the banks which is the responsibility of all due to lack of security and deterrence. =Lana=