International meeting in London to end the political deadlock about NAG.
Pulbished on:
Tripoli, 30.10.2016 - Lana - An American official , on Friday , said
that a meeting about Libya will be held in London on Monday , to end
the political deadlock about the national accord government 'NAG' ,
with the participation of Britain , U.S.A. , and officials from the
international bank and the international monetary fund.
The same official in the U.S. state department , said to Reuters
agency , before the arrival of the secretary of state 'John Kerry' to
London , said ; the goal of the meeting , is to try to achieve some
progress , and to exceed the situation deadlock which prevents the
government to carry-on its duties , adding ; that London's meeting
will also discuss , taking decisions in relation to economy , until
appointing a financial minister.