Agreement concluded between Mashasha and Quntrar, Ghiryan, 12.
Pulbished on:
10.2016(Lana) Notables and sheikhs of several western
municipalities have succeeded in easing tension between Mashasha and
Quntrat after the developments in the area in which four people from
Mishasha were killed and one from Quntrar.
Director of branches and municipalities in Ghiryan, Basheer Al
Aqrban told Lana that an agreement was concluded on cease fire and
diffusing tension between the two tribes after good offices of
sheikhs from Ghriyan, Asaba, Warrfela, Qala. Yefern, Ryayna, Maqarha.
He said the agreement provided for handing over bodies of the
victims by both sides to Ghiryan Central Hospital.
Al Aqrban explained that a committee from sheikhs of the
municipalities taking part in the reconciliation would follow up the
truce agreement and deliver the culprits to neutral parties.
Clashes flared up between the two tribes two days ago leaving
several dead and injured from both sides.