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Committee assigned to prepare action plan entitled; "Title of our Education is tolerance'.

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Tripoli, 11.10.2016(Lana) The Committee assigned to prepare a full action plan to study and implment a propject against violence, hatred and enhence the culture of tolerance within educational institutions, held its thrid regular meeting at the ministry of education in the presence of head and members of the committee. The meeting focused on presenteing pproposals ansd opinions on a timetable for the inducrtion week to addess the psychological impact opf the war experinced by the country and prepare them for the new shcool year. It also focused on prepraing letters to various education officials at the regions to urge them to activate the role of teachers of pysical education and arrt and islamic education. Members of the committee underscored the need to activate follow up of schools offices in this respect and report on every school where there are students of psychological impact. The programme covers all school year and the time table would be circulated as soon as it is approved by the committee and it is entitled; "Title of our Education is tolerance'. =Lana=