Italian security official: raising the level of ports security in not linked to Libya.
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Rome, 12.08.2016 - Lana - An Italian security official said ;
"increasing the ports security level in the country by the coastal
guards , has nothing to do with the situations in Libya".
Chief on the Italian police "Franco Gabriele" , said to the Italian
news agency "AKI" , that "this procedure came out through a recent
meeting , by the special ministry for seas and ports security , in
which its members had to take such decision , according to our
general living standard , to raise monitoring levels".
"We all have to be aware that we live in danger , and we could be a
target or a subject for such threat" , he added.
"But this should not mean that we have to change our life , and we
should not pay high price to change our way of life" , Gabriele