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Misrata mayor welcomes call of President of House of Representatives for national reconciliation.

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Misrata, 09.08.2016 (lana) Misrata mayor Mohamed Eshtewi welcomed call of President of House of Representatives, Mohamed Eshtewi in which he called on Misrata wise men to reactivate national reconciliation. In statement to lana Eshtewi considered the call a positive step in the right direction to stop the media war and make the sound of reason override others and rally ranks. Eshtewi praised all stances supporting reason and expressing support to all initiatives aimed at social harmony. he said Misrata City worked and is still working for vigorously to consolidate values of national reconciliation and societal dialogue to stop fighting among the brothers and not to resort to arms. In his statement to Lana, Mayor of Misrata, Eshtewi said the people of Misrata praise the noble stances of the people of the eastern part of the country with whom Misrat has kinship. =Lana=