Kabu hosts a forum themed 'Amazigh view of political situation in Libya'.
Pulbished on:
Kabu, 08.08.2016(Lana) The participants in the economic forum
held in Kabu city, Jebel Nufusa for Amazigh areas for the development
of economic resources and stimulate an economic activity.
The participants in the forum underlined that they are not party
to the current conflict over power expressing fears over the
repercussions of the conflict.
They also agreed to support the Amazigh High Council in Libya,
being the sole legitimate of the Amazigh in Libya. They also
reaffirmed boycotting of political projects and bodies in which the
Amazigjh did not take part.
The forum stressed the need to unify the political and
information discourse and support the available media outlets and
local radio to unify ranks and accomplish the set goals.
Several mayors and members of the wise men councils and civil
society representatives in Amazigh area as well as President and
members of the High Amazigh Council attended the forum.
The forum focused on the study of the political, economic, and
security issues in Amazigh areas in the light of the current
situation experienced by the country.