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Kuni says Presidential Council tries to find fundamental solutions to power crisis.

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Tripoli, 04.08.2016(Lana) Vice-President of the Presidency Council, Musa Kuni held a meeting with the new Administrative Committee of Electricity Company and the National Audit Bureau to find permanent and speedy solutions to power issues. The meeting also addressed the necessary measures to speed up work at various stations under Maintenance at Khomas, Obari and other regions and exploring increasing , production capacity to satisfy energy needs. Presidency Council calls on Libyans to rally their efforts and make national interest override others. Tripoli, 04.08.2016(Lana) Presidency Council called on all Libyans to make national interest override others and rally efforts to fight all forms of terrorism. In statement issued Thursday, he said, 'The war on terrorism in Libya is protracted war and people pay heavy price. It said; 'the matter require placing Libyan national interest supreme and rally our efforts to fight the plague to upheld our historic responsibilities'. In statement, they emphasized the importance of rallying under the aegis of GNA. =Lana=