UN envoy to Libya says protecting cultural heritage means protecting Libyan identity.
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Tripoli, 16.07.2016 - Lana - Head of the UNSMIL "Martin Kobler" , on
Friday , called for necessity to protect the historical and cultural
heritages of Libya.
Kobler in a tweet , on his personal account on twitter , said that
protecting cultural heritage , means protecting the Libyan identity.
UNISCO on Thursday , had decided to put five Libyan archaeological
and cultural sites , on the list of the endangered world heritage
sites , and in its decision said that military operations are the
"great danger" on the Libyan archaeological treasures.
The listed sites in Libya , included the old city in Ghadamis ,
archaeological site in Sosa city , and the monuments in Sabrata and
Leptis cities on the western coast of the country.