Presidency Council of GNA express pride in sacrifices of Libyan heroes.
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Tripoli, 11.07.2016(Lana) Presidency Council of GNA expressed
pride in sacrifices made by the Libyans for their country that
captured the attention of the world. It underlined that it would
remain loyal to these sacrifices and would eternalize them with
The Presidency Council ordered payment to the families of martyrs
and assigned the ministry of health to set up a special unit for the
wounded at Maitiqa hospital to ease pressure on Misrata hospital and
to make arrangements with private clinics in Tripoli and Misrata to
admit the wounded at the state expense.
The Presidency Council praised the efforts of all those who
backed the war on terrorism that helped the Fortified Structure
Operations, ambulance, Libyan Red Crescent and Oil Sector Airline.