Reporters without borders denounce recent attacks on Journalists in Libya.
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Tripoli, 07. 03.2016 (Lana) Reporters Without Borders have
denounced recent attacks on Journalists in Libya, the latest of which
was the assassination of Khaled al-Zentani, former director of
Benghazi Office of Zentan TV, who was gunned down by a Da'esh sniper.
The organization said in Statement Sunday that a 37 years old
Khaled al-Zentani working for several media outlets was gunned down
by Daesh organization.
The organization listed several violations against Libyan
journalists including the disappearance of Ali Al-Asbeli 100 km from
Benghazi in March 2016.
Head North Africa Office of Reporters without Borders said the
organization condemns the attacks and assassination of Khaled which
brings the number of journalists killed in Libya since 2014 to 8
against the backdrop of complete impunity. It reiterated its call to
the GNA to publicly pledge to protect journalists and make fighting
impunity a priority.