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Local News: General News

The Public Prosecution orders the imprisonment of the warehouse manager of the Diabetes and Endocrine Treatment Center in Zintan.

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Tripoli, July 7, 2024 (LANA) - The Public Prosecution ordered the imprisonment of the warehouse manager of the Diabetes and Endocrine Treatment Center in Zintan on charges of abusing his job authorities.The Public Prosecutor’s Office explained that the Deputy Public Prosecutor had investigated the facts included in the reports of the Audit Bureau’s examination of the center’s work. According to the Public Prosecutor’s Media Office, investigations proved that the warehouse official... Read more

A delegation from the Jordanian Civil Aviation visits Meatiga International Airport.

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 Tripoli, July 06, 2024 (LANA) - A delegation from the Jordanian Civil Aviation arrived today, Saturday, at Meatiga International Airport to conduct an audit of the operational procedures in place at the airport and the extent of their conformity with international requirements for operation. A meeting was held at the airport administration headquarters on the sidelines of the visit, attended by the Director General of Meatiga Airport and specialists from the Standards... Read more

Law Enforcement Department: Those coming from Tunisia to Libya can refuel for free.

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Ras Ijdir - July 05, 2024 - (LANA) - The Law Enforcement Department of the General Administration of Security Operations noted today, Friday, that travelers coming from Tunisia to Libya can refuel at the security gate the moment they cross the Ras-Ijdir land port, free of charge.The administration explained, that the quantities of fuel that are supplied to citizens are from the seized items that were confiscated at the moment they crossed the port towards Tunisia, and to ensure that they... Read more

A training course to develop employees of the Ministry of Labor’s training centers concluded.

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 Tripoli - July 05, 2024 - (LANA) - The Department of Training Center Affairs at the Ministry of Labor and Rehabilitation, in cooperation with the International Organization for Migration (IOM), concluded yesterday, Thursday, a training course within the department’s annual operational plan, entitled “Training and developing center employees in four training areas.” ".The Ministry of Labor and Rehabilitation stated that the course, which was held at the Planning Institute, targeted... Read more

Two training courses to raise the efficiency of members of the Criminal Investigation Service.

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 Tripoli - July 05, 2024 - (LANA) - Two training courses were concluded in Tripoli yesterday, Thursday, in cooperation with the European Union mission, in order to raise the efficiency of members of the Criminal Investigation Service.The Ministry of Interior stated, that the first session was devoted to detecting plastic mines, under the supervision of the European Union for Business and Strategy, and lasted two weeks for eight members. The second... Read more
