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World News: Political News

Libya produces 230,000 barrels of oil per day.

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Tripoli, 18.05.2016(Lana) National Oil Corporation spokesman, Mohamed al- Harari confirmed that Libya's oil production currently is at 230,000 bpd. In a press statement, he said the al-Khaleej (Gulf) Company reduced its output to 90,000 bpd following the halt of export via Harriq port He said other oil companies are producing limited volumes of crude oil, while, the off shore oil fields produce around 70,000 bpd. =... Read more

Egypt urges House of Representatives to vote on GNA.

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Cairo, 18.05.2016 (Lana) Egyptian Foreign minister Samah Shukri underlined the importance of the House of representatives move top vote on the GNA as soon as possible according to Sukhirat agreement. During his meeting with President of the Presidency Council, Fayz Saraj, he expressed his understanding of what Libya faces at this juncture. He said restoring stability in Libya is a necessity for national security of Egypt. =... Read more

Maitiq confirms international support to GNA.

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Tripoli; 18.05.2016(Lana) Vice - President of the GNA Presidency Council , Ahmed Maitiq has reaffirmed international community's full support to the GNA in its efforts to restore peace to the country, pointing out that there is an international consensus not to revisit the political accord. In a press statement, Maitiq said the Vienna conference gave the political process in libya strong momentum, urging for a serious approach to repair what has been destroyed by conflicts and to set up a unified political, economic and security system. =... Read more

Solid Structure Operations Room announces full control of Abugrain, Wishka and wadi Zemzem.

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Misrata, 18.05.2016 (Lana) Solid Structure Operations Room has announced full control of Abugrain, Wishka and Wadi Zemzem and are pursuing the remains of the dark age terrorist group. Lana reporter in Misrata, quoted the media office of Solid Structure Operations Room as saying that Libyan air force supported advance of the land forces by air attack on vehicles of the terrorist groups. 6 members of the army martyred in the operation including Col Ibrahim Abdualali from the engineering company which is specialized in mine clearance, and that five martyrs are... Read more

Italy rules out military intervention in Libya.

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Tripoli, 18.05.2016(Lana) Italy has ruled out any military intervention in Libya, renewing its support to the GNA in its fight against terrorism. The emphasis were made by Italian Foreign minister, Paolo Gentiloni in a statement in Rome Tuesday. Gentiloni said there is no intention of military intervention in Libya, and that the Libyans are the ones who would fight Daesh terrorist organization. " In the next few weeks the Libyans would ask for our help in training fields, and we are committed to offer support and help' he added. The Italian senior government... Read more
