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World News: Political News

Sudan renews support to the national accord government.

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Addis Ababa, 10.11.2016 - Lana - The Sudanese president 'Omar Basher' , has renewed his country's support to the national accord government 'NAG' , and his rejection to "any foreign intervention in the internal affairs of Libya". In the closed session of the African summit and Libya neighboring countries held in Addis Ababa , president Basher asserted on the necessity ; "to preserve the unity of Libya" , because it's ; " an Arab , African and neighboring country , and what is going on in it , reflects on the neighboring countries". On the other hand , chairman of the African union... Read more

The political dialogue committee meets today in Valletta.

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Tripoli, 10.11.2016 - Lana - Today in the Maltese capital Valetta , the political dialogue committee holds its meeting. Participating in this meeting , head of the presidential council 'Fayez Saraj' , both sides of the dialogue committee and the UN envoy to Libya 'Martin Kobler'. The meeting will discuss , the challenges facing the implementation of the political agreement , along with formatting the national accord government 'NAG' , and emending the constituent declaration , to include the political dialogue. =... Read more

Extraordinary meeting to discuss security situation in Tripoli and its outskirts.

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Tripoli, 09.11.2016(Lana) Extraordinary broad meeting was held in Tripoli to discuss the security situation in Tripoli and its outskirts and con sider mechanisms to be taken to fight crime and negative phenomena. Present at the meeting were, President of the Presidency Council, Fayz Saraj, President of the High Judicial Council, Minister of Interior, Head of Investigations at the Attorney General's Office, Head of General Intelligence, Director of central security, Directors of Tripoli Security Directorate, Head of Forensic investigation, head of judiciaries and Head... Read more

Over 200 traffic deaths in September.

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Tripoli, 09.11.2016 (Lana) Traffic General Department reported that the number of traffic accidents deaths during last September totaled over 200 deaths. In a report posted on its website, it said the number of traffic accidents recorded in September totaled over 300 road accidents, causing the injury of 260 people and damaged over 600 vehicles amounting to 160,000 dinars in losses. =... Read more

People of Tahala, Ghat protest halt of schooling.

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Ghat, 09.11.2016 (Lana) Students and teaching staff, and parents organized a protest in Tahala, Ghat in southern west Libya, denouncing the halting of schooling in the area. The protestors asked education officials to look at the bad situation of the schools of the area, stressing the need to provide teachers, and open an education office, teachers training centre and provide schools books and tools. Schooling in Tahala is halted due to lack of teaching staff and lack of resources. =... Read more
