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Serte, 14 May 2017 (Lana) Mayor of Serte, Mukhtar Al Me'adani met with the EU ambassador to Libya, Bettina Muscheidt to discuss the situation of the city and identify the pressing needs of the city. Al Me'adani told Lana the meeting discussed obstacles encountering the population of the city and their hardships due to destruction of their homes due to war against daesh and that over 2000 houses in various districts are destroyed due to liberation war. They also discussed land mines planted by Daesh in Serte, and bodies still buried under the ruins in Al Jeeza, Al, ... Read more
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Serte, 14 May 2017 (Lana) Aid has been delivered to families of First Residential District of Serte under the auspices of the Crisis Committee. Head of Serte Crisis Committee, Fawzi Al Chekarbi told Lana that the distributed humanitarian aid included carpets, food staff, detergents, and napkins. Al Chekarbi explained that the number of families that benefited from the aid programme were 620 families in First Residential District of Serte, and the aid distribution was carried out by Libyan Red Crescent Youth, Misrata branch and Serte Crisis Committee. = .... Read more
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Benghazi, 14 May 2017(Lana) The office responsible for looted artifacts at the Libyan Antiquities Authority has drawn up a list of looted museums and antiquity stores from the World War II era up to now. Among the looted artifacts was a sandstone statue of the Greek Goddess Ezis, which was found in Martouba, a Pharaoh statue which was looted from Tulmeitha during the World War II, and which is now displayed at the war museum in Cleveland in the US state of Ohio. The list also included a marble statue of Asclepius, the medicine god, which was looted from Tulmeitha in the... Read more
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Tripoli, 14 May 2017 (Lana) Central Bank of Libya (CBoL) represented by its current Governor Al-Sadiq Al kabier, honured its former governors, who carried out their tasks with devolution and loyalty during the past decades, in gratitude by the CBoL to the efforts of those governors. The honuring included, Rajeb Al -Messalati, Dr Taher Al Jihimi, Qassem Sherlala, Dr Abdulhafiz Al Zelitni, and Dr Farhat Ben Qadara. The houring ceremony came at the end of a workshop hosted by the CBoL on 'economic policies, horizones and challenges' with the participation of former... Read more
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Tripoli, 14 May 2017 (Lana) National Oil Corporation (NOC) dismissed announcement that there is gas and fuel shortages in supplies to power stations and that supplies are according to agreed quantities at Major Consumers Committee Meeting comprising the membership of Electricity General Company. In a statement in response to Electricity General Company's statement on causes of load shedding which it attributed to shortages in gas and fuel supplies, NOC said actual supplies are more than the agreed quantities, and that NOC received no notification of shortages in supplies from... Read more