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The Second Vice President of the High Council of State, with the Italian Ambassador, discussed ways to advance the political process.

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Tripoli, November 29, 2023 (LANA) - The Second Vice President of the High Council of State, Omar Al-Obaidi, discussed with the Italian Ambassador to Libya, Gianluca Alberoni, the political situation in the country and ways to advance the political process and break the political deadlock to reach a comprehensive political settlement that achieves stability.

This came during a meeting held today at the headquarters of the Italian Embassy in Tripoli at the invitation of the embassy and in the presence of the Advisor to the High Council for Foreign Affairs, according to what the Council’s Media Office announced.

The media office added that the meeting discussed the 5+1 initiative launched by UN envoy Batili, related to electoral laws and dealing with them in a way that ensures a broad, real consensus between all parties and political partners to ensure real elections whose results are accepted by all political parties.
