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Head of Saudi Press Agency current President of the Federation of Arab News Agencies ‘FANA’ appreciates highlights participation of LANA in the 48th Conference of the General Assembly of the Union.

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 Tripoli, 19 January 2022 (Lana) The Head of the Saudi Press Agency current President of the Federation of Arab News Agencies ’FANA’, Fahad Hassan Al Aqran highlighted participation of the Libyan News Agency LANA in the 48th conference of the General Assembly of the Union held in Riyadh on the Jan. 11 and 12, and its commitment to upgrading the role and work of the Union as one of the official unions at the Arab and international levels in the service of common Arab issues and the development of the agencies of member states.

AL Agran made the remarks in a letter of thanks and appreciation to the Chairman of the board of directors of the Libyan News Agency Abdul Basit Ahmed Abudiya.

 "I am pleased to extend to you sincere thanks and gratitude for your presence and active participation throughout the days of the conference, which has had a great impact on our friendly meetings, and I appreciate your efforts in this meeting, wishing you every success" the head of the Saudi news agency said.

The Conference of the Federation of Arab News Agencies elected the state of Libya represented by "Lana" to the membership of the committee assigned to activate and develop a mechanisms of the Union in order to achieve the objectives assigned to it by the Arab League.
