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Al-Manfi welcomes the press statement issued by the Security Council regarding the latest developments in the situation in Libya.

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Tripoli, October 12, 2024 (LANA) - The President of the Presidential Council, "Mohammed Al-Manfi", welcomed the statement issued by the Security Council on Wednesday evening regarding the latest developments in the situation in Libya.

"Al-Manfi" said in a tweet he posted on his account on "X" that this statement embodied the Presidential Council's comprehensive vision for a political solution based on Libyan ownership, consensus, and the achievement of entitlements with reference to the political agreement and the roadmap.

The members of the Security Council issued a statement on Wednesday, welcoming the agreement reached between the Libyan parties regarding the Central Bank of Libya and its approval by the House of Representatives and the High Council of State, calling on all Libyan parties to implement the agreement fully and quickly, including appointing a board of directors.

They also welcomed the resumption of oil production, stressing the need to depoliticize Libya's oil resources and ensure their use for the prosperity and well-being of the Libyan people.

The members of the Security Council called for full respect for the Libyan Political Agreement and the roadmap of the Libyan Political Dialogue Forum, and for relevant institutions to take the necessary steps towards completing financial arrangements and preparing a unified budget to ensure the stability of the Libyan financial system and the interests of all Libyans.

The members of the Security Council expressed their concern about the impact of the crisis on Libyan citizens and on the financial and economic situation of Libya, stressing the need to unify state institutions.

They also called in their statement on all Libyan parties to participate and cooperate constructively to address outstanding issues through a comprehensive and purposeful dialogue, which paves the way for the unification of all institutions, and to further commit to a comprehensive political process led and owned by Libyans leading to the holding of free, fair, transparent and inclusive presidential and parliamentary elections throughout Libya as soon as possible.

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