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Shakshak discusses with Foreign Ministry officials preparations for holding the AFROSAI meeting in Tripoli.

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Tripoli 24 September 2024 (Lana): The Head of the Libyan Audit Bureau, Khaled Shakshak, discussed yesterday, with the Director of the African Department and the Director of the Protocol Department at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Bureau's preparations to organize the General Assembly of the African Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (AFROSAI) in Tripoli next December.

The meeting, which was attended by the Bureau's Undersecretary, Attia Allah Hussein, addressed the procedural arrangements to begin inviting the member bodies of the organization and facilitating the procedures for granting visas to their heads and representatives.

Shakshak and Attia Allah stressed the importance of the success of convening the AFROSAI, which will be reflected in enhancing the professional reputation of the Audit Bureau and the state of stability witnessed by Libya, according to the Audit Bureau.
