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Border Guard Service continues efforts to combat smuggling and enhance security control.

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Tripoli, September 21, 2024 (LANA) - The Ministry of Interior confirmed that the desert patrols affiliated with the Border Guard Service will continue their efforts to enhance security control on the southwestern border with Algeria.

The ministry said, that the desert patrols affiliated with the service are continuing their inspection tours on the southwestern border with Algeria, where the tour included the areas of Ramlet Nazwa, passing through the Wan Balon point, Al-Wafa field and Qaraat Al-Dhiba, reaching the border security sector in Ghadames.

During the tour, the head of the service, Major General "Mohamed Al-Marhani", reviewed the progress of security work and urged the elements to exert more effort and giving.

These efforts come within the framework of the service's plan to confront smuggling operations of all kinds and enhance security control on the borders.
