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A dialogue session in Sabha entitled - The role of women in elections.

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 Sabha - July -, 2024 - (LANA) - Al-Nour Women’s Organization in the city of Sabha, in cooperation with the Awareness and Communication Department of the High National Elections Commission, organized a dialogue session yesterday, Thursday, on the role of women in the elections.

The High National Elections Commission said, that the dialogue session, which targeted a number of women’s activists as well as a number of female police officers, centered around the role of women as voters, candidates, and observers of the elections, in addition to their role in electoral awareness, as well as a candidate agent and media representative.

In addition to introducing and raising awareness of the method of registration in the voter registry and the distribution of electoral districts among the municipalities, and a detailed explanation of the targeted municipalities in the southern region, the last topic also touched on small, medium and large municipalities.

She indicated that this session comes within the framework of electoral awareness for the municipal council elections, which aims to raise awareness of the importance of participating in the current electoral process.
