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Al-Sayeh and Khoury discuss procedures related to municipal council elections.

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Tripoli, June 23, 2024 (LANA) - The Chairman of the Board of the High National Elections Commission, Dr. Imad Al-Sayeh, received today, Sunday, the Deputy Special Envoy of the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Stephanie Khoury, and her accompanying delegation, in the presence of Council Member, Rabab Halab, at the Office of the Board of the Commission.

The High Electoral Commission said that the visit of the representative of the UN mission to the Commission comes within the framework of the international community’s support for the elections in Libya, explaining that the meeting discussed the procedures related to preparing for the municipal council elections, the launch of which was announced on June 9.

She added that the two sides reviewed the positions of the political parties regarding the electoral process in general, and municipal council elections in particular, and the impact these positions have on the possibility of their implementation and their chances of success.

The meeting also reviewed the challenges facing the support project managed by the United Nations Development Program in Libya, and taking urgent decisions regarding advancing the project to support the municipal council elections process, according to the commission.