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Thirty participants graduated from the Pioneers Program of the United Nations Support Mission in Libya.

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Tripoli, June 6, 2024 (LANA) - The United Nations Support Mission in Libya announced the graduation of thirty participants in the mission’s Pioneers Program yesterday, Wednesday, by providing awareness campaigns about climate change for school children and as part of the celebration of World Environment Day.

 The mission said on its official page that after group training in the program over the past year, the participants developed campaigns dealing with recycling and sanitation and designed models for local heroes in the field of the environment, and that these campaigns will be used by the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) to work with children. In public schools across the country.

 She added that the Pioneers Program is part of the strategy of the United Nations Support Mission in Libya, which aims to develop communication, advocacy and leadership skills in girls, noting that the second batch will be opened for applications next July.