National Council for Women calls on the international community to intervene urgently to stop the aggression against Gaza.
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Benghazi, October 28, 2023 (LANA) - The National Council for Libyan Women called on the United Nations and the international community to intervene urgently to put an end to the heinous crimes committed by the occupation forces against innocent people, children and women in Gaza.
In a statement on Saturday, the Council stressed the need to provide protection and provide the necessary relief to the Palestinians, and demand the opening of an immediate investigation into all these inhumane violations in an effort to achieve justice and legal accountability, in accordance with international charters and treaties, and to refer the perpetrators to the International Criminal Court.
The statement said: “Today we must stand with our people in beloved Palestine in a position of truth and pride, and this is not strange for the Libyan people, people of values and principles, who reject any settlement project of the Zionist entity, normalization with it, or harming the Islamic religion and the dignity of Muslims.”
The Council condemned the occupation forces for committing massacres and deliberate killing of innocent people in homes, mosques, hospitals, and their workplaces, as well as destabilizing the stability and security of the Middle East.