Bathily commends the efforts of the military and security leaders in securing the Libyan south.
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Tripoli 10 April 2023 (Lana) The UN Envoy, Abdoulaye Bathily, commended the efforts of the military and security leaders in securing the southern region and protecting the nation’s natural resources, which are considered the major source of income for Libya and should be utilized for the benefit of all Libyans.
"My visit to Sebha comes as a part of the various tracks of consultations with stakeholders across Libya in support for elections, and I met with military and security leaders from all over the south." Bathily said in a tweet.
Bathily commended the courageous and patriotic initiatives presented by their leaders to heal the physical and moral wounds caused by the conflict for the sake of Libya.
Bathily stated in another tweet that he had met with many of Libya's military and security leaders to build bridges among Libyan actors towards the unification of military and security institutions and secure their commitment to establish a conducive security environment for elections.
"I praised their efforts to ensure security in the south and the territorial integrity of Libya. I commended their work to protect the nation’s natural resources, which remain the major source of income for Libya, and which should be utilized for the benefit of all Libyans." He added.
Bathily visited Sebha yesterday and met with groups of notables, civil society, and women, as well as military and security leaders from all over the south.