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Attorney General’s Office remands in custody Former Chargé d'Affaires of Libyan Mission in Czech Republic pending investigation

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Tripoli, 26 December 2022 (Lana) - The Attorney General’s Office has issued an order to remand in custody the former Chargé d’Affaires of the State of Libya’s mission to the Czech Republic, pending investigation, after he was accused of abusing his job powers for the purpose of achieving an illegal benefit for others.

The Public Prosecutor's Office said in a statement that investigations with the former official of Libyan mission in Czech Republic revealed the fact that, he deliberately abused the powers of the job assigned to him, for the purpose of achieving an illegal benefit for others; thereby spending hundreds of thousands of foreign currencies in violation of the rules and regulations related to managing public money, which caused severe damage to public funds.

As the investigator is finalizing the procedure of confronting the accused with the established evidence, the Public Prosecutor decided to remand him in custody pending further investigation.
