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Vice President of Presidential Council (Musa Al-Koni) participates in the scientific conference on combating corruption to ensure stability.

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Tripoli, 15 November 2022 (Lana) Vice President of the Presidential Council, Musa Al-Koni, participated on Tuesday morning in the scientific conference "Combating Corruption to Consolidate Stability", organized by the Stabilization Support Agency, in the presence of the Governor of Central Bank of Libya, the President of the Administrative Control Authority, a number of ministers, heads of security agencies, and experts and specialists in combating corruption at home and abroad.

 In his speech during the opening of the conference, Al-Koni stressed that corruption is a real crisis in Libya, which has become at the top of the lists of corruption in the world, and in contradiction with the morals of the Libyan people, pointing to quick gain, by circumventing to take advantage of funds that start with the salary file and end with commissions with foreign companies.

Al-Koni explained that the wars witnessed in Tripoli are to control the power of decision and money, for personal benefits and to consider the central authority as a booty, and this is what made Libya coveted by some countries that are trying to loot their heritage, which we never expected to seek to control Libya's funds.

Al-Koni stressed that the regulatory bodies have the experience and ability to follow up and reduce these abuses, in reference to the efforts of the Attorney General's Office to investigate many cases of financial and administrative corruption, which has spread in the country.
