Pashaga addressing opponents: Our country will be built by all of us with arms of supporters and with cooperation of the opponents.
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Sirte, 31 July 2022 (Lana) The Head of Parliament-appointed government Fathi Pashagha addressed his government's opponents by saying (You are an integral part of Libya, as we are an integral part of it, Libya will only be with all of us, without exclusion, without tyranny and without recrimination, and we will start from the future and we will not start from the past.’
"My important message to all opponents and those who are afraid of the actions of the Libyan government, I tell them clearly - we did not come for revenge or to settle scores. We came to bring this country together, whose resources, wealth, sovereignty and dignity were foresaken. We have come to restore dignity to the Libyan citizens, who suffers from poverty, disease, poor services, power outages and fuel shortages. Pashagha said.
"Our country will be built by all of us with the help of supporters and with the cooperation of the opponents, because we have a national challenge, and we must have the courage and responsibility to promote our country and secure its existence and future, and we will not waste our time holding each other accountable because the country is in peril and cannot tolerate further conflicts," he said.
Pashagha explained that he did not and will not allow division of the country, but rather he will work to re-unite it, saying he did not use force, close roads or break into houses, nor did he issued arrest warrants against those who oppose us, but on the contrary, we opened all channels of communication with the opponents, and you all saw that we handed over our authorities previously by peaceful means and without any claims or maneuvers.. Why??? It was not out of conviction of the merits of the government that came to power after us, but out of belief in the principle of peaceful transfer of power.
He said that ‘clinging to power by force of arms is a form of tyranny and dictatorship, and the use of force to continue governing is a kind of terrorism and repression that we have never accepted, and we have never accepted it when we were in power and we voluntarily handed it over, and we will not accept anyone who is bent on imposing himself on Libyans by force of arms or by money. We will not leave Libya to brokers and corrupt people who believe that they can rule with weapons and buy off.