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According to its report on the matter: The Administrative Control Authority is following up with the government the file of treatment locally and abroad.

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Tripoli, June 06, 2022 (LANA) - The meeting, which was held this morning, Monday, in the presence of the Prime Minister of the Government of National Unity, "Abdul Hamid Al-Dabaiba", included the Chairman of the Administrative Control Authority "Sulaiman Al-Shanti", the Authority's Deputy "Khaled Daou" and the Chairman of the Finance Committee in the House of Representatives, "Omar Tantoush" And a number of technical departments in the Administrative Control Authority to follow up on service files, according to the report prepared by the authority.

 In a speech during the meeting, the head of the Administrative Control Authority, "Sulaiman Al-Shanti," stressed the need to hold periodic follow-up meetings to address files that the authority follows up and has observations on them.

Al-Shatti explained that in these meetings, the focus will be on the file of treatment locally and abroad, and work to take serious steps in this file according to the observations of the Administrative Control Authority, in addition to the necessity of following up on the work of the committee formed by the Council of Ministers regarding reviewing treatment debts abroad from the previous years, and the necessity of Issuing instructions regarding it, and transmitting its reports periodically and clearly, stressing the need to settle treatment inside in a number of specialties and provide the necessary environment for the success of resettlement.

In turn, the Prime Minister stressed in the meeting the steps taken by the government regarding this file, explaining that this file suffers from years-old problems and needs intensification by everyone until its situation is corrected.

At the conclusion of the meeting, it was agreed to hold an expanded meeting in the presence of the Ministry of Health and the Audit Bureau, and to develop a joint plan to organize this file.

