The Head of Government of National Unity calls on Libyans to be on time to uphold the constitutional electoral entitlement and not to allow the transition to be prolonged again.
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Tripoli, 23 January 2022(Lana) ‘Libyan people eagerly look forward to holding free and fair elections in which they will not be discriminated against, excluded, and do not want to prolong the crisis and enter a new transitional phase’, the Head of the Government of National Unity Abdul Hamid Al-Dbeiba said.
"Attempts to deepen the crisis instead of resolving it and restrict the will of the Libyan people to choose, circumventing the course of the constitutional process and obstructing its march will not work," he said in a speech at the start of the Libyan conference to support the constitution.
"Leave it to the Libyan people to choose what they want and support their choice in the presence of a real constitution that derives its legitimacy from the people and the people only, and urge all parties to support constitutional entitlement as the basis for the democratic process, and not to go on courses that have no purpose," he said.
He said the UN agreement at various stages in Tunisia and Geneva had chosen its powers in order to reach elections that were supposed to be held last December.
He said the delay in the elections was caused by the lack of a constitutional rule, the delay in national reconciliation and the unification of the military.
He appealed to all Libyans to be on time and to uphold the constitutional electoral entitlement and not to allow the period to be prolonged again and jump on the will of the Libyan people.