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World News: Political News

Ministry of Health Human resources winds up training course.

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Tripoli, 25 March 2018 (Lana) Human Resources Dept at GNA Ministry of Health implemented a training programme on emergency and ambulance targeting medical staff and their auxiliaries at Air Port Road Polyclinic. Director of Human Resources at the ministry said the programme is in line with the department's plan to prepare a complete medical team capable of receiving emergency cases through training that simulates real life. The one week training programme carried out by Dr Bader Al Bajqni included treating fractures, unconsciousness, injuries and burns, lifting patients on... Read more

Workshop on Decentralization Approach in Libya.

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Tripoli, 25 March 2018 (Lana) A decentralization approach workshop was launched in Libya under the auspices of Ministry of Local Government in line with the ministry's EU and German Government (GIZ) sponsored programme. Head of departments at the ministries, municipalities, water resources authority, tax authority, Urban Planning took part in the workshop. The workshop focuses on ways to enable the municipalities assume its due role according to Local Administration law No 29/2012 and mechanisms to enhance their capacities and their own resources and improve the quality... Read more

President of Presidency Council Meets Follow up Committee for South.

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Tripoli, 25 March 2018(Lana) The President of the Presidency Council of the Government of National Accord Fayez Al Serraj on Saturday met at the Government headquarters Ministers of Employment Al Mahdi Al Amin, Social Affairs Fadhel Al Shafi, as well as the Deputy Commander of Presidential Guard Mohamed Lakari, all members of the committee formed by the Council to follow the situation in the South. According to the Council's Information Bureau Al Serraj listened to a report by the committee and members assessment of the situation in the Southern region following a visit they... Read more

Deputy of Presidency Council discusses activation of Consultative Committee on Treatment Abroad Committee for Southern Libya.

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Tripoli, 25 March 2018 (Lana) Deputy of Presidency Council, Abdussalem Kajman discussed activation of Consultative Committee on Treatmnmet Abroad for Southern Libya. This came during his meeting with Chairman of the committee Dr Hasjim Belkhair. Belkhair stressed at the meeting that the committee tries to communicate with all Libyans across the country to offer treatment to all those needing it. The committee oversees review of medical services and treatment offered for patients referred by the committee to assess the quality of the services and identify treatment... Read more

President of Presidency Council meets dignitaries, elderly and members of municipal council of Rujban.

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Tripoli, 20 March 2018 (Lana) President of Presidency Council met dignatories, elderly and members of muncipal council of Rujban town. According to the media office of the presidency counil the delegation raised the issue of the kidnapping of the military attorney general, Massuad AlRujbeni. Al saraj informed the delegation that he took measures to secure the safety, explaini8ng that he ordered ministers of defense, interior and all security organs to end his plight and his safe return to his family and brief him around the o'clock about any new developments. Members of... Read more
