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World News: Political News

Bu-Sahmien meets head and members of the national body of Libya elders in the western region.

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Tripoli, 11.02.2016 - Lana - President of the general national congress GNC , "Nori Bu-Sahmien" today Thursday , met with head and members of the executive council of the national body of Libya elders in the western region. During the meeting , which was attended by GNC member "Abdul-Kader Hawili" , an initiative was presented for solving the Libyan crisis , by head of the executive board of the national body of Libya elders in the western region "Omar Shamkhi" , and two members of the former transitional council , "Milad al-Au'ad" , and "Ehbeel al-Doa'ee" member of the body's... Read more

Agriculture ministry's meeting for putting a mechanism to protect the state properties.

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Tripoli, 11.02.2016 - Lana - The meeting which was held by the health minister in the national salvation government , was focused on discussing the status of lands , agriculture projects and forests affiliated to the ministry , and establishing a legal and procedure work mechanism to protect and document public lands own by the Libyan state , of all nature as " agricultural , economical , industrial … etc" , and protecting them from aggressions and violations , that are still going on. During the meeting which was held in the ministry's headquarters , they have agreed on protecting the... Read more

Confiscating expired food materials in Shaqiqa.

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Mizda, 11.02.2016 - Lana - The municipality guard service in Shaqiqa region , has confiscated some expired food stuffs , after an inspection tour , that included number of shops and markets in the region. This tour was received with great comfort by the residents , who praised these efforts for the sake of the citizen's safety , and to make sure of what's been sold in those markets and shops. On this occasion , the municipality mayor thanked the municipality guards and all worker affiliated to it , on their efforts , for the benefit of health , safety and security of the citizen. ... Read more

Discussing the workflow of health sector in Ghat.

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Ghat, 11.02.2016 - Lana - The meeting which was held in Ghat municipality , was dealt with discussing several of issues related to the workflow of the health sector in the city , especially in the public Ghat hospital , and ways to take the proper procedures to solve some of the problems facing the hospital , and the health sector in the municipality in general. The meeting was attended by , members of the municipality council , director of Ghat hospital and number of elders and wise-men in the city of Ghat. =... Read more

More Families Flee Sirte Towards Neighboring Cities.

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Tripoli, 11 February 2106(Lana) More and More families are fleeing the Da'esh-controlled city of Sirte to neighboring cities and towns, because of the treatment they faced at the hands of the extremist organisation known the name of Islamic State or Da'esh, sources said. Families are leaving Sirte towards neighboring towns of Juffra, Bani Walid, and also to the east, fleeing the violence and maltreatment of the extremist organisation, the sources told the Libyan news agency on Thursday. =... Read more
