The Libyan government to regulate the entry of foreign vehicles through land and sea ports.
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Benghazi, January 25, 2025 (LANA) - The Council of Ministers of the Libyan government assigned by the House of Representatives issued a decision regulating the entry of motor vehicles with foreign plates into Libyan territory.
The decision includes various types of vehicles, whether heavy, medium or small, and determines the mechanism for their entry through land and sea ports, with strict controls for these operations, in order to regulate the movement of foreign vehicles, and ensure the smoothness of their entry in a legal and safe manner, in line with the international agreements to which the Libyan state is committed.
According to Article One of the decision, the mechanism for the entry of motor vehicles coming from abroad is regulated, with emphasis on the necessity of adhering to obtaining temporary customs metal plates for vehicles bearing foreign plates.
According to Article Two of the resolution, the Libyan government stipulates that it will treat the same with regard to vehicle entry fees, as a specific amount will be imposed and determined by the Libyan Customs Authority in coordination with the Ministry of Interior and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, while Article Three stipulates that the Customs Authority is granted the authority to issue temporary metal plates for foreign vehicles in coordination with the competent authorities.
The resolution stresses the need to record the data of vehicles that were granted temporary metal plates in special records at all border crossings, and these records are linked to a unified electronic system to ensure the tracking of every vehicle that entered Libyan territory. In the event that the competent authorities within Libya request it, the driver of the vehicle must present the temporary entry card to prove the legitimacy of his presence in the country.
Article Six stipulates that temporary metal plates will be valid for 60 days for vehicles entering for commercial, tourist or temporary mission purposes, while the period is reduced to 15 days for vehicles crossing into neighboring countries. In the event that vehicles of a political nature enter, the validity period of the plates is not specified, according to bilateral agreements with the countries concerned.
In the event that vehicles exit the border crossings without returning the metal plates or entry card, Article Seven stipulates that the guarantee paid by the vehicle owner upon entry shall be deducted, and the decision shall enter into force from the date of its issuance, with the cancellation of any provisions that contradict it, and the relevant authorities shall be requested to implement all of its provisions.