Al-Shukri apologizes and stipulates that the House of Representatives and the State Council agree.
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Tripoli, August 23, 2024 (LANA) - "Mohammed Al-Shukri" announced his apology for practicing the duties of Governor of the Central Bank of Libya, unless the decision to appoint him as Governor of the Bank is activated with the agreement of the two competent legislative bodies, the House of Representatives and the Supreme Council of State.
"Al-Shukri" said in a post on his personal account on the social networking site - Facebook - today, Friday (Decision No. 3 of the House of Representatives was issued in 2018 assigning me the duties of Governor of the Central Bank of Libya and I took the legal oath accordingly, and since then there have been political disputes and quarrels between the two competent bodies - the House of Representatives and the State Council - which require political agreements to agree on this matter).
He added that (in order to preserve the monetary institution from fragmentation and the impact on its reputation in front of similar monetary institutions in the world, which may directly affect our freedom to manage our money abroad and enable our people to benefit from it in managing their living conditions and employing it to create the desired sustainable development, therefore I left the camel with what it carried despite many contacts to empower in ways that do not conform to my principles and beliefs, and I stipulated for everyone to activate the decision that there be agreement from the two competent legislative bodies (the House of Representatives and the State Council).
He continued saying (I will not skimp on my country with my effort, work and experience, relying on Libya's competencies and expertise to put an end to the crises that exhaust our people - the exchange rate, liquidity, fighting inflation and activating the performance of the banking sector to play its desired role - provided that this is in accordance with the applicable legislation, laws in force and signed agreements.
"Al-Shukri" concluded his post by saying (My professional and functional history and ethics absolutely do not allow me to be part of this nonsense - a single drop of blood from the blood of Our children are dearer to me than all the spoils of this world and the jobs of the Libyan state - O Allah, I am innocent of what the oppressors do.)
Mohamed Al-Shokri's apology comes after military mobilizations and movements in various parts of the capital, including the vicinity of the Central Bank of Libya, which raised local and international fears of armed clashes and the use of force between parties supporting Al-Kabir's continued rule and others opposing him and supporting Al-Shokri.
It is noteworthy that the United Nations Support Mission and the US Embassy in Libya had expressed their deep concern late last night about reports of mobilization of forces in the capital, Tripoli, including threats to use force to resolve the crisis surrounding the Central Bank of Libya.