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Douma urges citizens in the city of Murzuq to support national reconciliation, reject differences, and return all displaced people to the city.

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Murzuq, June 11, 2024 (LANA) - The Second Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives, Misbah Douma, urged citizens in the city of Murzuq to support national reconciliation, reject disputes, and return all displaced people to the city.

 This came during his meeting with the council members, Rahma Abu Bakr and Fatima Al-Suwaii, the head of government, the head and members of the Municipal Council of the city of Murzuq, notables, sheikhs and people of the city and its suburbs, and a number of heads of the security services and military units during their visit yesterday, Monday, to the city of Murzuq to announce the launch of reconstruction and development in the city. .

 In his speech, Douma appreciated the role of the government appointed by the House of Representatives and the Libya Development and Reconstruction Fund in launching the reconstruction and development train in the southern region and all Libyan cities.

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