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Al-Mnifi: Libya is committed to its firm position on the Palestinian issue.

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Manama, May 16, 2024 (LANA) - The President of the Presidential Council, Mohamed Al-Mnifi, praised Arab and international cooperation to support security and stability in Libya.

He said during his speech at the Arab Summit in Bahrain that the political process in Libya witnessed several positive developments, including the results of the efforts made by the (5+5) Committee and the Supreme Finance Committee, which consolidate the principle of transparency with regard to public spending.

He said: “We continue to communicate with everyone without exception, and propose initiatives that will strengthen confidence between the parties and create a consensus that will take the country to the elections.”

  Al-Mnifi pointed out in his speech that Libya officially joined South Africa in the genocide case filed against the Israeli occupation at the International Court of Justice, calling on Arab countries to join in support of this just cause.

He stressed that Libya is committed to its firm and strongly supportive position for the brotherly Palestinian people and their legitimate rights in Gaza and in all parts of Palestine.
