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Gulf Cooperation Summit welcomes the electoral laws issued by the HoR and HCS.

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Tripoli, December 6, 2023 (Lana): The final statement of the Gulf Summit in its 44th session held in Doha on Tuesday welcomed the consensus reached by the “6+6” joint committee formed by the House of Representatives (HoR) and the High Council of State (HCS) during their meetings in Morocco on June 6-7 regarding the laws regulating the election of Head of State and members of Parliament, describing it as a positive and constructive step towards holding the presidential parliamentary elections.

The summit affirmed its support for the efforts of the UN to reach a political solution in Libya, hold elections, and unify state institutions to achieve the aspirations of the Libyan people and establish the foundations of security and stability, renewing its commitment to ensure Libya’s sovereignty, independence, and territorial integrity, calling for an end to interference in its internal affairs, and the exit of all foreign forces and mercenaries from its territory.

The summit also expressed its sincere condolences to the families of the victims and to the government and people of Libya as a result of the floods that recently swept Derna and its surrounding areas, which caused massive material and human damage.
