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(Al-Koni) discusses with the Italian Ambassador to Libya enhancing aspects of bilateral cooperation, especially in the field of oil and gas.

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Tripoli, September 27, 2023 (LANA) - The Italian Ambassador to Libya, Gian Luca Alberini, renewed his country’s government’s condolences over the disaster in Derna and its neighboring areas, and stressed Italy’s continued support for Libya with the technical and logistical capabilities to contribute to recovering the bodies of flood victims in Derna.

This came during Presidential Council Representative Musa Al-Koni's reception of the Italian ambassador yesterday, Tuesday, in Tripoli, and congratulated him on assuming leadership of his country's diplomatic mission in Libya.

   The meeting discussed a number of files of common interest to enhance cooperation in many fields, especially the field of oil and gas.

   The ambassador affirmed his country's desire to work to achieve stability in Libya so that it can regain its pivotal role in the region, and he appreciated the efforts of the Presidential Council that aim to achieve stability with the success of the national reconciliation project and the unification of government institutions.

In turn, Representative Al-Koni described the Libyan-Italian relations as distinguished, explaining that increasing the prospects for cooperation with Italy will contribute to the recovery of the two countries’ economies, and stressed the necessity of cooperation to develop the regions of the south to ensure its stability.

   The MP reviewed with the Italian ambassador the regional and international developments on issues of common interest between the two friendly countries, and the challenges facing Libya in the file of illegal immigration and the fight against terrorism.
