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Guterres: Derna is a victim of conflict, climate chaos, and leaders who were unable to reach peace.

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New York, September 19, 2023 (LANA) - United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said that the people of Derna, Libya, have fallen victim to years of conflict, climate chaos, and leaders who have been unable to find a path to peace.

Guterres added, in a speech before the United Nations General Assembly on Tuesday, that the residents of Derna lived and died amidst this indifference when it rained a hundred times the average rainfall in 24 hours and the dam collapsed after years of war and neglect and they lost everything they knew.

He continued, saying: As we speak here now, the waves are still throwing bodies from the Mediterranean Sea, where the rich sunbathe on their luxurious yachts.

The Secretary-General said that thousands of people in Derna died in a massive, unprecedented flood, in a sad scene that reflects the reality of our world: the flood of inequality, injustice, and inability to confront our challenges.

The Secretary-General pointed out that for nine days, the world has witnessed many challenges in the world in one scene that is close to a nightmare, adding that the world today has become turbulent and confused, geopolitical tension is on the rise, and global challenges are increasing.
