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In statements to Anadolu Agency: The Palestinian ambassador confirms Al-Dabaiba's visit to the Palestinian embassy, and his announcement of the dismissal of the Minister of Foreign Affairs (Al-Mangoush).

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Tripoli, August 28, 2023 (LANA) – Today, Monday, the Prime Minister of the Government of National Unity, "Abdul Hamid al-Dabaiba," visited the Embassy of the State of Palestine in Tripoli, during which he affirmed Libya's position in support of the Palestinian cause, according to the Turkish Anadolu Agency.

The Palestinian ambassador, "Mohammed Rahal," said in press statements to the Turkish news agency "Anatolia" that the head of the national government, "Abdul Hamid al-Dabaiba," visited our embassy and confirmed, during his meeting with the embassy staff and members of the Palestinian community, Libya's position in support of the Palestinian cause, and his announcement of the dismissal of the foreign minister, "Najla al-Mangoush." the background to her meeting with the Israeli Foreign Minister last week in Italy.

In his statement, Ambassador Rahal stated that the Libyan people have proven their Arabism and affiliation with the Palestinian cause by refusing to normalize relations with the Israeli enemy.