Zuwara Security Directorate raids a house used by a group of human smugglers to detain migrants.
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Zuwara, June 06, 2023 (LANA) - The Search, Investigation and Arrest Committee of the Zuwara Security Directorate raided a house used by a group of human smugglers to detain a number of immigrants.
The Directorate said in a statement on its official Facebook page that information had been received indicating that a group of human smugglers had detained a number of immigrants inside a house in the city. The necessary measures were immediately taken and the site investigated.
The Directorate confirmed that the house intended to accommodate immigrants was raided by the Directorate's Search, Investigation and Arrest Committee and members of the police stations after obtaining permission from the Public Prosecution Office, where more than forty immigrants of Arab and African nationalities were seized.
A number of suspects were also arrested for bringing them and facilitating their emigration in return for sums of money, according to the directorate's statement.