The Dar Al-Iftaa has set the amount of Zakat al-Fitr for this year at 8 Libyan dinars in cash per person.
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Tripoli, March 21, 2025 (LANA) - The Dar al-Iftaa set the amount of Zakat al-Fitr for this year at 8 Libyan dinars in cash, (2) and a quarter kilograms of wheat, and (2) kilograms of rice per person.
The Libyan Dar al-Iftaa's Facebook page explained in a statement that Zakat al-Fitr is obligatory, imposed by the Messenger of God (peace and blessings be upon him) on every able-bodied Muslim, young or old, male or female. A Muslim must pay it on his own behalf and on behalf of all those he is responsible for supporting. It is paid from the country's staple food during the month of Ramadan, as a purification for the fasting person and a form of support for the poor. It is given to the poor of the country. It is one sa' (four mudds) according to the Prophet's (peace and blessings be upon him) mudd. The amount of wheat is (2.25) kilograms and rice is (2) kilograms per person.
The statement indicated that some scholars have permitted paying Zakat al-Fitr in cash when it serves the poor. These scholars are the emulated leaders of the nation, including Umar ibn Abd al-Aziz, Abu Hanifa, al-Bukhari, and Ibn Taymiyyah, may God have mercy on them all. This is also the opinion of the later Malikis. The cash value for this year is 8 dinars (8 US dollars).
The statement said: "The time for paying it is before the Eid prayer. If someone pays it after the prayer on the day of Eid, it is sufficient, albeit with a reduced reward. It is permissible to pay it two or three days before Eid."
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