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Security Council calls on Libyan actors and institutions to refrain from and address any unilateral actions.

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New York, 10 October 2024 (Lana) The members of the Security Council reiterated their call on Libyan actors and institutions to refrain from and address any unilateral actions that increase tensions, undermine trust, and further entrench institutional divisions and discord amongst Libyans, reaffirming their strong commitment to the sovereignty, independence, territorial integrity, and national unity of Libya.

In a statement issued yesterday, the members welcomed the agreement reached between Libyan actors on the Central Bank of Libya and its endorsement by the House of Representatives and High State Council, calling on all Libyan parties to fully and swiftly implement the agreement, including appointing a board of directors.

They also welcomed the resumption of oil production and stressed the need to depoliticize Libya’s oil resources, ensuring they are utilized for the prosperity and well-being of the Libyan people.

The members of the Security Council, in full respect of the Libyan Political Agreement and the Libyan Political Dialogue Forum Roadmap, called on relevant institutions to take the necessary steps towards finalizing financial arrangements and establishing a unified budget to ensure the stability of Libya’s financial system and the benefit of all Libyans.

The members expressed concern about the impact of the crisis on Libyan citizens and on Libya’s financial and economic position and emphasized the need to unify state institutions.

They called upon all Libyan parties to constructively engage and collaborate to address outstanding issues through inclusive and meaningful dialogue, paving the way for the unification of all institutions, and called for further commitment to an inclusive, Libyan-led, and Libyan-owned political process that will enable the holding of free, fair, transparent, and inclusive presidential and parliamentary elections across Libya as soon as possible.

The members commended the efforts of the United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) for its constructive role in facilitating this agreement and encouraged continued support for its implementation. 

They emphasized the need for the Secretary-General to appoint a new Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Libya as soon as possible. They stood ready to support further efforts to advance the political process and advance peace, security, development, and human rights in Libya.
