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Norland: America supports the African Union

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New York, September 27, 2024 (LANA) - US Special Envoy to Libya Richard Norland said he discussed with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of the Congo Jean-Claude Gakosso joint efforts to revive the political process in Libya.

Ambassador Norland added in a tweet he posted yesterday, Thursday, on the website of the US Embassy to Libya on  "X"  that Minister Gakosso presented to me during the meeting that brought us together during the high-level discussions of the United Nations General Assembly in New York the support of the African Union to hold a reconciliation conference that brings together former opponents to pave the way for the reunification of Libya.

Norland said ((The United States supports the African Union and is working with Libyan partners to organize this important event)).

.. (LANA) ..