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The United Nations Support Mission in Libya confirms that the House of Representatives and the State Council have reached an agreement to appoint a new leadership for the Central Bank.

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Tripoli, September 25, 2024 (LANA ) - The United Nations Support Mission in Libya announced that representatives of the House of Representatives and the High Council of State reached a settlement today, Wednesday, regarding the appointment of a new leadership for the Central Bank of Libya, at the conclusion of a new round of consultations facilitated by the mission to address the central bank's crisis. The mission said in a statement that the two parties initialed an agreement on the procedures, standards and timetables for appointing a governor, deputy governor and board of directors for the Central Bank of Libya, in accordance with the provisions of the Libyan Political Agreement. The mission will host a signing ceremony tomorrow, Thursday, in the presence of a number of representatives of diplomatic missions in Libya, according to the mission's statement.