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Al-Baour holds a series of meetings on the sidelines of the high-level week of the 79th session of the UN General Assembly.

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New York 24 September 2024 (Lana) The Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs, Taher Al-Baour, reviewed with the Tunisian Foreign Minister, Mohamed Nafti, bilateral relations and ties that bind the two brotherly countries, and coordination and consultation on various regional and international issues of common interest.

The meeting held on the sidelines of the high-level week of the 79th session of the UN General Assembly yesterday discussed the efforts to support the just cause of the Palestinian people.

Al-Baour also discussed with the Yemeni Foreign Minister, Shaye Al-Zindani, the latest developments in regional and international issues, the ongoing attacks on the Lebanese people, and ways to support efforts towards the cause of the Palestinian people.
