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Ambassador Norland: It is necessary to involve all political stakeholders in Libya, and invite them to the negotiating table to help the main leaders resolve the Central Bank crisis.

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Tripoli, September 23, 2024 (LANA) - The US Special Envoy to Libya, Ambassador Richard Norland, stressed the need to involve "all political stakeholders in Libya" and invite them to the negotiating table to help the main leaders "focus on what needs to be done to address the crisis of the Central Bank of Libya.

Ambassador Norland said in a television interview with the Egyptian website "Youm7" published on Sunday evening ((Involving everyone in resolving this crisis gives momentum to resolving broader political issues)) according to his assessment.

The US ambassador added, regarding his country's vision for addressing the crisis of the leadership of the Central Bank ((From our point of view, the US position is that the Libyans need quick moves to restore confidence in the leadership of the Central Bank so that international transactions can be carried out normally and medicines and goods can be imported into Libya, thus avoiding an economic crisis)).

He said ((But at the present time, we are concerned that the efforts made to negotiate may turn into a vicious circle)), referring to the negotiations led by the United Nations Support Mission in Libya between representatives of the House of Representatives and the High Council of State on the one hand. The Presidential Council, on the other hand, to resolve the dispute over the management of the Central Bank of Libya.

Norland expressed his belief that ((everyone realizes the urgent need to reach a decision on the leadership of the Central Bank)), according to him, which must be ((a credible leadership based on consensus as soon as possible)).

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